Marine Phoenix
Soldiers waiting to board the ship Marine Phoenix headed for Korea during the Korean War.
The following was taken from the United States Navy website:
Following the invasion of South Korea by North Korean Communists, Marine Phoenix was acquired by the Navy from the Maritime Commission 21 July 1950; placed in service August 1950; and assigned to duty with MSTS. Manned by a civil service crew, she began trooplifts to the Far East later in August and reached Korean waters 2 September. During the next 3 years she bolstered the free world's stand to repel Communist aggression in Korea and completed 19 round trips to the western Pacific and back. Operating out of Seattle and San Francisco, she carried troops and supplies to Japanese and Korean ports including Sasebo, Yokohama, Pusan, and Inchon. In addition during February 1952 she shuttled troops to Kojedo Island in response to mounting unrest among POW-s through Communist agitators. Following the uneasy armistice which ended hostilities in Korea, she returned veterans to the United States. After reaching Seattle from Inchon 5 December 1953, she was placed in reduced operational status until 30 April 1954.
Source: Marine Phoenix (
Thank you for reading.
Jenny Findsen