Second Schleswig War
Mads Findsen is posing in uniform. In what war did he serve? I do not know. The picture was taken about 1868 probably in Odense, Denmark.
Four years earlier in 1864 the Danes fought the Prussians in the Second Schleswig War. The fight was over the two states Schleswig and Holstein along the border of Denmark and Germany. They were strategically important in the mid-1800s because control of them would give a rapidly expanding Prussia access to the Baltic Sea and to the North Sea.
Maybe Mads served in the Danish military fighting the Prussians. I would have to do some digging in the Danish Archives to discover that information.
Mads is about 32 years old in the picture. He was the son of Find Larsen and Maren Madsdatter. Recently, (in 1868) Mads had married Hansine Pedersen and their daughter, Maren Dorthea Charlotte Findsen, was shortly born thereafter.
Thank you for reading,
Jenny Findsen