Nancy Ward Statue
Nancy Ward statue at Arnwine Cemetery in Grainger County Tennessee
Nancy Ward or Nanyehi was an important figure in Cherokee history. Part of the powerful Wolf Clan, she was revered among her people as a ‘beloved woman’ or honored elder. Having married an English trader, she developed relationships with European settlers.
Nancy Ward poses as somewhat of a controversial figure in history. Many historians have claimed Nancy Ward as an American patriot and friend to European settlers encroaching onto Cherokee nation lands. However, a different view argues Nancy Ward has often been misinterpreted by history. Through the relationships she built, Nancy had a good understanding of Anglo-American ways. She believed that the best way for the Cherokee to survive was through peace. Some historians argue that through the promotion of peace, Nancy War was acting in the best interest and in the protection of the Cherokee nation.
This week on Genealogist Journal we will explore the southern Appalachian frontier from the perspective of the Cherokee nation through the lens of Nancy Ward. Then we will look at the Petition of the Watauga Settlements to the state of North Carolina.
Image Source: The Beloved Woman: Nancy Ward - Blue Ridge Country
Thank you for reading.
Jenny R. Findsen
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